The ever-evolving ways we tell stories fascinate me. Our online world highlights ancient truths about creativity and communication: old media never truly vanish—they’re reborn in new forms; archetypes persist, even as storytelling adapts; and art takes on a life of its own, independent of the creators. These timeless concepts inspire the way I create and communicate across a variety of media.
From my perspective, the collaborative way players engage with video games unlocks exciting possibilities for storytelling. That conviction led to eight rewarding years in the video game industry as a member of the Warframe team. Today, as Social and Community Lead for Forgotten Runiverse, I’m afforded the opportunity to shape and participate in a game that prioritizes player ideas as part of its narrative design.
An unending fascination with the complexities of how people interact — online and in real time and space — led to a Master’s in Media Studies at Western University. I explored how the Korean Wave, and K-pop especially, have found their way into the West. As a Canadian who speaks English and French, I look forward to becoming trilingual as I continue to study Korean.
In short, I find joy in connection, wonder, and the creative potential of all media. Maybe that's why I’ve never stopped creating illustrations with crayons. From the celestial to the cybernetic, everyone is invited to share in the magic of storytelling, language, art, and time-honoured idle amusement.

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